Dr. Rajalakshmi Srinivasan

DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellow, Transcriptional Regulation and Aging
Joined IBAB in 2021.

Dr. Rajalakshmi Srinivasan, graduated with a master degree in biotechnology from SASTRA University, Tanjavur. As a DST-INSPIRE Fellow, she joined Dr. Aswin Seshasayee’s group at National Centre for Biological Sciences for her Ph.D. She completed her Ph.D in bacterial genomics and received her degree from Manipal University. Later, she moved to the Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine for her post-doctoral research with Dr. Sunil Laxman, where she studied the coupling between metabolism, transcription and translation in yeast. She identified a function of a conserved transcription factor in coupling metabolic outputs with the transcriptional and translational outputs. She has received several fellowships from various leading agencies, DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship, M. K. Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship, SERB-National postdoctoral fellowship, DBT-RA, to name a few. She joined IBAB in October 2021 as DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellow. Here, her lab aims to understand the impact of transcriptional response induced by amino acid signaling on cellular aging using budding yeast as a model system.

Further details are to be found at https://www.ibab.ac.in/research/dr-rajalakshmi-srinivasan/