IBAB is a thriving community of students, and scientists in the fields of bioinformatics and biotechnology. The institute focusses on education, research and promoting entrepreneurship, the three pillars of its activities.
IBAB provides high-quality opportunities for students to acquire an interdisciplinary education; for scientists to conduct basic or translational research; and for entrepreneurs to grow a start-up.
IBAB was established as a non-profit Society, in 2001, by the Department of IT, BT and ST, Government of Karnataka. It was set up on the recommendation of the Vision Group on Biotechnology, an advisory body to the Chief Minister of Karnataka.

Institute Structure
IBAB is an autonomous institute governed by eminent representatives from academia, industry and government and advised by eminent scientists of the country. Prof. D Sundar is the director of the institute.

The Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology envisions itself be an important catalyst for the growth of the biotech, bioinformatics and related industries in Karnataka and India
Our aim is to grow into a world-class Bioinformatics and Biotechnology Institute through its education, research and entrepreneurship programmes