Prof. Kshitish K Acharya
Professor, Transcriptomics And Reproductive Biology
Joined IBAB in 2003.
Kshitish received his PhD from BHU, Varanasi, & completed post-doctoral research at IISc, Bengaluru first & then at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
At IBAB, since early 2003, he has been trying to get new insights into the mechanisms of regulation of gene expressions in different systems – under disease & normal conditions. The research process has also lead to the discovery of new candidate markers for some of the human disorders. For example, his group recently obtained novel insights into the process of meiosis, & sperm development, & also identified potential diagnostic molecules for a type of male infertility. He is also part of a multi-centric national effort towards understanding a high-resolution genomic architecture of hereditary deafness. His team uses modern molecular biology techniques, as well as holistic & integrated data analysis methods.
Apart from teaching in regular programs, he has been (or was) a visiting fellow/professor at University of Sydney (Australia), MCOPS (Manipal), and CHG, JNCASR & IIIT-B (Bengaluru). He frequently volunteers to contribute to scientific seminars & educational programs (sometimes in ‘Kannada’ too)- particularly for school children. He also conceptualized, designed & successfully convened a unique postgraduate diploma program (for 8 batches) in biotechniques, and organized more than 25 specialized short courses of various types at IBAB.
Further details are to be found at https://www.ibab.ac.in/research/kshitish-acharya-k/