The advancements in NGS technologies and the ability to analyze large amounts of data are bound to have a dramatic impact on almost all domains of life, including healthcare, agriculture, food security, the environment and so on.

It is necessary to initiate India-relevant, collaborative research programmes to translate the benefits of this emerging area. Further, the global demand for well-trained professionals in genomics and big data analysis necessitates intensive training and educational programmes in this area to create adequate manpower and employment opportunities. Therefore, the Bio-IT Centre of IBAB, with support from the Govt. of Karnataka, has launched a research and training programme in genomics.

The following are some of the important activities of the Centre.

  1. Workshops, including international workshops, and short-term training programmes specifically for students, teachers, faculty, researchers, clinicians and agriculture scientists on genomic data generation and analysis.
  2. Internship programmes for masters’ level students, for advanced training.
  3. Brain-storming sessions with doctors, industrial scientists, agricultural scientists and so on to create awareness and opportunities for collaboration.
  4. Collaborative research programmes with hospitals, academia and industry.
  5. Services in sequencing and data analysis for academia, hospitals and industry.
  6. Development of tools, techniques, protocols and platforms in the area of NCS and data analysis.


The Bio-IT center comprises a state-of-the-art facility for NGS, with the high throughput sequencer Hi Seq 2500, which can generate 480-500GB data in 10 days equivalent to sequencing 6 human genomes at 30X coverage. Other equipment in the facility includes Hi-Scan (Illumina bead-array) for genotyping and Ion-torrent for NGS and Qubit, C-bot, Covaris, Bio-analyzer and Tape-station for the processing of DNA and RNA samples.

Service is provided in a collaborative program mode or on a purely service basis. Please contact us at if you have any sequencing requirements