The Institute houses a full fledged functional data-centre with a 200Mbps dedicated 1:1 internet bandwidth available 24/7 and the Institute houses high computational servers such as 18, 16 and 14 nodes High computing clusters for CPU intensive applications with 96TB, 128 TB & 196TB Storage, 1Tere Byte RAM Server for intensive memory oriented next generation sequencing applications and suites, 8 GPU Workstations for high computational intensive applications, each workstation lending 5600 cores computational processing capabilities along with database servers for housing in house developed databases and bioinformatics tools and servers for networking facilitation such as Institute Web-hosting, Mailing Services, Data-ware housing and Local Area Networking and Networking Security tools. 200+ high end computation desktop systems for students and research scholars. Students with a biology background have been hired as programmers after their course at IBAB!