The M.Sc. programme in ‘Big Data Biology’ will be highly interdisciplinary, covering topics at the interface of biology, mathematics, data analytics and information technology.

The general objective of the MSc programme in ‘Big Data Biology’ is to introduce students to, and train them in, the highly interdisciplinary areas at the interface of biology, mathematics, computing, data science and information technology. The students trained through this programme will help address the need for highly skilled manpower in this area and produce a new generation of computational biologists capable of exploring genomic information in medicine, analysing medical images using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and employing these techniques in diverse areas such as healthcare diagnostics and therapy. Upon the completion of their M.Sc. degree, students should have acquired the following:

  • Foundational knowledge and skills in various domains of biology, bioinformatics, biostatistics, genomics and next generation sequencing, computer programming, artificial intelligence and machine learning and clinical trial data analysis
  • Skills and knowledge that will enable them to explore careers in relevant academic or industry domains
  • Ability and skills to design models and analyse large biological data sets such as in genomics and medical imaging
  • Research acumen and analytical thinking to carry out research in this area, and self-learning
  • Skills to communicate and present scientific results to diverse audiences

Degree Master of Science in Big Data Biology | Duration 2 years

The knowledge and skills acquired in this programme are highly relevant and applicable for formulating solutions to real-life problems in biology, including agriculture, health care and therapeutics. The students graduating from this programme will therefore be in demand both by industry and by academia. They also get several opportunities to meet and interact with high-profile scientists from across the globe. Events such as the annual Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Lecture series have enabled the visits of Nobel laureates.


  1. Highly interdisciplinary learning experience
  2. Industry and academic research relevant curriculum
  3. Optimal balance of theory and practical classes
  4. Six months’ project work focussing on genomics, AI and Machine Learning, Image Informatics
  5. Interactions with scientists from industry through various trainings/workshops
  6. Highly accomplished and motivated faculty
  7. Excellent research and teaching infrastructure
  8. Opportunity to listen to and interact with renowned scientists from across the world through seminars and workshops
  9. Exciting campus life